Join us at the Alaska Aviation Museum at 4721 Aircraft Dr. (on Lake Hood) as we celebrate our sixty years as a club!
Ticket cost is $55 per person. As of August 1st, there are no more tickets available. Should you have any questions regarding attendance, contact Tamea Isham at 907-688-3671.
AAMA members will begin set-up at the Museum at 2:00pm.
Dress code is: “Dressy Casual.”
The event officially begins at 5:00pm. Park your antique and classic cars either in front of the Museum building, or on the Museum grounds itself. Volunteers will be there to help with vehicle placement.
From 5:00pm-6:00pm your ticket price includes admission to the Museum. Appetizers will be available.
Beginning at 6:00pm, the catered buffet dinner and festivities will begin. You are welcome to BYOB.
If you have any other questions, call or email Linda Mattes-Golding at 907-351-3251 or