
Homer Car Show

Meet at the Huffman Carrs store and leave for Homer at 8:30 am. See Richard’s Email for details. Lunch in Soldotna and dinner at 7pm meet at AJ’s restaurant. Monday boat trip to Seldovia for those interested. $89 per person round trip.

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Homer Car Show

Come early to set up at the Homer Chamber of Commerce Visitor Center. Pizza, salad, and desert after at the Aspen Suite Conference room. Bring money ($10.00 or ? for pizzas), a desert or salad and your own drinks. Fun movies after dinner at the same location.

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to Feb 23

Fur Rendezvous Car Show

Fur Rondy runs from February 20th thru March 2nd. The parade is Feb. 22nd, car show at Bob’s Services; 22nd and 23rd. Set up after 4pm on the 21st. (Any changes will be announced later.)

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to Aug 11

Long Distance Tour

8/6/24 Chugiak 10 AM to Healy, 8/7/24 Totem Inn 8am to Fairbanks, 8/9/24 Bear Lodge 10am to Glennallen, 8/10/24 Caribou Parking Lot 8am to Chitna,8/11/24 Chitna Hotel 10am to Anchorage/home

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4th of July Parades

Anchorage July 4th parade honors Gold Star Families. As of July 1st, we are still waiting for final word on our staging area. Expect to be downtown between 8-9am. More news to follow.

Chugiak July 4th parade: Stage at 12:30pm, on the Old Glenn Hwy, across the street from the Fire Dept. Roads close at 1:00pm. Burgers and hot dogs are given out. Parade starts at 2:00pm; since our cars are near the front, we should be done in time to head to the Cresap’s picnic. Bring CANDY! CANDY! CANDY! Cresap’s Picnic will start after the Chugiak Parade, although you can certainly arrive earlier. Hot dogs, hamburgers, buns, condiments, drinks, (along with pates and utensils) are provided. Please bring salads, desserts, chips to share

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Aspen Creek Senior Living Center

5915 Petersburg St (Dowling Road just east of the Seward Hwy)

We will have a pop-up car show with rides for residents and staff. This is the facility’s Independence Day Celebration; we are invited to join them for a barbecue at 4:30pm (if we choose).

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