For the Anchorage Parade, cars will be staged between 9:30am-10:00am on 8th Avenue near G Street.
Kurt Rein 907-344-5554 is coordinating this event. A few days ahead of the event, Kurt will contact all those who have signed up to attend.
The Chugiak Parade starts at the Latimer Fire Station, 17124 Old Glenn Hwy. The AAMA usually stages across the street at the school bus barn; staging will begin at 1:00pm, with the parade to begin at 2:00pm. Look for Art and Tam Isham, Chugiak parade coordinators, for directions.
The picnic at the Cresaps will start after the Chugiak parade, probably between 3:00-3:30pm at their home at 17914 Kamkoff in Eagle River. An email will be sent next week as a reminder of what potluck items you signed up to bring. Or you can contact the Cresaps at 907-694-7510.
If you are not participating in either parade, please join everyone at the picnic.