The Parade is being held downtown. Meet at approximately 9:00am. The staging location is on D Street and 7th Avenue. Arrive from C Street or 9th Avenue. AAMA is parade position #7.
Kurt Rein 907-344-5554 is the chair for the parade. Please call him to sign up for the parade.
The Car Show is being held at Bob’s Services: 2009 Spar Avenue, in the industrial area of Ship Creek.
Doors open for visitors 12:00pm-5:00pm.
Please alert Art Isham 907-688-3671 or Donn Reese 907-758-0036 about which car(s) you wish to display. Also let them know if your car will be driving in the parade. Please have an informative sign or poster to display with your car.
Doors will open at 9:00am for load-in of cars, or if you need to take your car to the parade.
Potluck will be available for AAMA members. Bring a chair, and don’t forget to sign up for what food you will contribute. Contact Tam Isham at 907-688-3671.
In the main building, there will be tables, chairs, and the popcorn and coffee machines. Please contact Tam Isham at 907-688-3671 to sign up for a shift at the popcorn booth.